Step 1.7 Select the type of prompts to be used at each level
Any number of prompts can be used in the hierarchy. EI providers and parents should consider individual characteristics when selecting prompts. For example, if the toddler does not like being touched or seeks touch, then a full physical prompt might not be a good choice. If a toddler can easily imitate, then model prompts might be appropriate; but if the toddler cannot imitate, then model prompts would not be the best choice.
Some common mistakes include:
- Using frequent verbal prompts.
- Too frequent use of physical prompts when less intense and intrusive prompts may be effective.
- Using prompts that are not appropriate for the individual toddler
Using a visual prompt of a lined drawing of an object when the toddler does not understand visual representation
Helpful Questions
Which types of prompts have been successful in teaching the toddler new skills?
Has the toddler been taught how to use this type of target skill before?
What types of prompts have been the most successful when teaching the toddler a variety of skills?
If this target skill has been successfully taught to others toddlers, what was the least-to-most sequence?
- Does the toddler use the target skill correctly when each prompt is used separately?
(Wolery, Ault, & Doyle, 1992)