Least-to-Most Prompting

This prompting procedure is also referred to as the system of least prompts. With this procedure, a prompt hierarchy is used to teach toddlers with ASD new skills.

Levels of Least-to-Most Prompting Hierarchy
  1. The first level provides the toddler with the opportunity to respond without prompts.
  2. The remaining levels are sequenced from the least amount to the most amount of help.
  3. The final prompt is a controlling prompt that ensures that the toddler will complete the behavior or skill.

Least-to-Most Prompting is one of two prompting procedures included in this module. A variety of prompting procedures support the learning and development of toddlers with ASD.

Review information on both prompting procedures covered in this learning module and information on determining which prompting procedure is the most appropriate for an individual toddler and the type of target skills or behaviors you wish to teach.