Step 1.3 Identify the target stimulus

The target stimulus is the event or thing that cues the toddler to engage in the target behavior.

Clearly specifying the target stimulus allows the EI team member to be sure that the toddler is attending to the important cues that should, in turn, signal to the toddler that the chained routine or activity is about to begin. This will reduce the toddler’s dependence on an adult’s prompts, usually called prompt dependence.

Categories of target stimuli:

Naturally occurring event

If the target skill is a self-care routine, such as washing hands (because the toddler has been finger painting) then the target stimulus is having dirty hands.

Completing one event or activity

Referencing the example of Charlie completing a clean-up routine (Step 1.1), finishing a meal or snack would be the target stimulus for beginning the clean-up routine.

External signal

An external signal may serve as the target stimulus that could be something that an adult does.

Target Activity: a hand-washing rountine
An external signal would be flashing the overhead lights in the child care center to signal that it is time to wash hands.
A parent or other adult starting to sing a specific clean-up song or a hand washing song.
Target Activity: a bath routine
The target stimulus might be turning on the faucet and running the water in the tub.
baby bath