Step 1.7 Identify a reinforcer that is appropriate for the target skill and routine or activity

The team considers the list of reinforcers and mild aversives identified through interviews with family members and observations of the toddler. They identify those that are appropriate for the target skill within the identified routines or activities.

Examples of negative reinforcers used during common toddler routines or activities:

Target Behavior or Skill

within Activity or Routine

Aversive Aspect

Target Behavior

Reinforcing Aspect

During dinner, Aiden will finish at least 5 bites of food (i.e. teaspoon size) before leaving the table for 4 out of 5 consecutive weekday dinners.

Sitting at the table

Eats 5+ bites

Mom or dad removes the expectation that Aiden sits at the table by allowing Aiden to leave

During play, William will ask for help (say “help”, sign “help) rather than screaming when a toy is not operating correctly and he needs assistance.

Toy not working

Ask for help

Make the toy work

Jim will allow Mom or Dad to wash his hair once a week by sitting in the bathtub through rinsing, soaping, rinsing.

Taking a bath

Allowing 3 step bath process

Expectation to stay in bathtub ends