Step 1.5 Establish goals and criteria

Now that the team and family have identified skills/behaviors and routines, they determine the criteria that will be used to evaluate whether their use of positive reinforcement is effective. First, the team and family double check that the outcome is still appropriate given the baseline data collected. If it is not, the outcome is revised as described in the first step.


After daycare and before dinner, Jonathan will send at least 5 minutes interacting with his toys within 3 feet of his sister for 4 out of 5 days.

In Jonathan’s outcome there are multiple, clear criteria by which to measure success:

  1. duration of interaction with toys
  2. proximity to his sister
  3. across specific number of days

Each of these are important to track to identify when Jonathan is having trouble or making progress.

A data sheet for Jonathan’s IFSP outcome would include the following:

Data sheet