Step 1.3 Gather basic information about the interfering behavior

After identifying the interfering behavior, the team gathers basic information about the interfering behavior.

The team determines:

  1. How long the behavior has been interfering with the toddler’s development and day-to-day function.

  2. If the behavior involves aggression or damage to property.

  3. If the behavior might be the result of environmental factors (e.g., lighting, noise level, time of day or routine, number of people in the room).  For example, what is unique about the environment(s) where the behavior does not occur? What is different about the environment where the behavior does occur? Does the behavior occur more often under a specific set of circumstances (e.g., during bedtime routines, transition from one routine to the next)

  4. If the behavior might occur because the toddler is being asked to demonstrate a skill that he/she cannot perform (e.g. language/communication, social). For example, does the toddler not know how to use skills needed in a particular setting or activity? Or is the toddler able to use needed skills, but not consistently?

  5. Other behaviors that the toddler exhibits immediately before the behavior occurs (antecedent).

  6. What happens immediately after the interfering behavior occurs (consequences)