Step 3.3 Analyze and summarize the data

The FBA team compares intervention data to baseline data to determine the effectiveness of the intervention. 

Assessment effectiveness of the intervention is essential. Team members can assess the intervention effectiveness by comparing data gathered prior to the intervention to data gathered after the intervention. The data gathered prior to intervention acts as a standard in judging whether behaviors have changed since the intervention was started.

This process should be done every 2-3 days for continuous evaluation of effectiveness of intervention. Team members should work with families on simple, effective ways to gather this information. When an interfering behavior is resistant to change after intervention has been consistently implemented for a period of time, the team needs to revisit the BIP to determine whether the purpose of the interfering behaviors is accurate and modify intervention strategies as needed.

The FBA team summarizes the data to make decisions about future planning.

The team summarizes all data gathered in the FBA process, intervention implemented, and behavior changes observed. This process allows the team to succinctly document the behaviors and effective intervention strategies which can be shared with other service providers to aid future planning of educational and behavior services for the toddler.