Step 2.4b Components of a BIP
The FBA team includes the following in the BIP:
Definition of the interfering behavior. The definition of the interfering behavior is usually included in the hypothesis statement.
Evidence-based practices (EBP) used to decrease the interfering behavior.
Objectives that can be used to indicate progress. The objectives can be drawn from the IFSP or drafted when writing the BIP. Objectives should be observable and measurable so that the effectiveness of the intervention strategies can be monitored accurately.
Additional materials that may be needed. These include all materials that will be needed to implement the intervention successfully. Materials may include data collection sheets, visual cue card to request for help, and intervention checklist the caregiver or service provider might need to support the implementation of the BIP.
Environmental accomodations. Accommodations to the environment include anything that will decrease the probability of a behavior occurring. For example, the mom could turn down the music or dim the lights in the room if it is too loud or bright for a toddler with ASD.
Response(s) from caregiver and others to the interfering behavior. In many instances, the caregiver and service providers will ignore the interfering behavior when it occurs so that toddler with ASD is no longer reinforced for engaging in the behavior. In some cases, other responses may be necessary (e.g., delivering consequences).
Strategies for improving skill deficit areas. Appropriate evidence-based practices should be chosen to teach toddlers with ASD skills needed to participate appropriately in settings and activities where the interfering behavior occurs. For example, if a toddler with ASD is hitting her older sibling during transition times, then peer-mediated instruction and intervention could be used to teach the toddler with ASD and the older sibling how to interact with one another.
Strategies for enhancing toddler motivation. These strategies might include offering choices during activities and across the day, incorporating preferred materials into activities, or allowing toddlers with ASD to engage in a preferred activity when completing a task without engaging in the interfering behavior
The data collection plan. Team members use the data collection system developed earlier to monitor progress. The system outlines when, where, by whom, and how data are collected.