Step 2.3a Identify variables of the behavior

The FBA team uses indirect and direct assessment results to identify:

  • where the behavior is happening.
  • with whom the behavior is occurring.
  • when the behavior is happening.
  • activities during which the behavior occurs.
  • what others (care provider, play partner) are doing when the behavior starts.
  • proximity of others (care provider, service provider, play partner).
  • the noise level in the environment.
  • the number of individuals in the area.
  • other environmental conditions (e.g., lighting, door open/closed).
  • the function of the behavior. Behaviors typically fall into two categories of function: to get or obtain something desired, to escape or avoid.  The table below illustrates some of the most common functions of behaviors.


To get or obtain:

To escape or avoid:
  • Attention
  • Food
  • Toys
  • Hugs
  • Sensory stimulation
  •   Attention
  •   Hard tasks
  •   Undesirable activity
  •   Sensory stimulation
  •   Social stimulation

Team members identify other variables that might be influencing the interfering behavior.

 Examples include: medication; family, home, or community variables; and health status of toddler.

In the case of severe self-injury or aggression, a thorough medical evaluation should be conducted to rule out possible sources of discomfort, illness, or other chronic conditions that may exacerbate the behavior.