The cue (or task direction) can be given:
Example 1
Prompt Level |
Prompt |
Characteristics of the Level |
First |
Indpendent |
No prompts |
Intermediate |
First prompt Second prompt |
Gestural prompt: The adult holds up juice pitcher, shrugs shoulders, and raises eyebrows as if to say, “What do you want?” Verbal prompt: The adult says, “What do you want?” |
Most |
Model prompt | Model prompt: The adult says, “Juice.” Taylor says, “Juice.” Adult pours Taylor more juice. |
Example 2
Prompt Level |
Prompt |
Characteristics of the Level |
First |
Indpendent |
No prompts The adult says, "Wipe mouth." |
Intermediate |
First prompt Second prompt |
Gestural prompt: The adult points to the napkin on the table. Model prompt: The adult holds up the napkin and models wiping their mouth. |
Most |
Last prompt | Partial physical prompt: The adult moves the toddler's hand to the napkin and assists with bringing the napkin to his mouth. |